I want to start off with the Kelsie Stelting is an excellent writer. This book just devolved for me. Honestly, I thought it was going to be about the internal struggle with weight and love. It was about a horrible parents. I mean no redeeming quality for either of them. Beckett’s father who was set up to be the jerk was the least judgmental of the three. Plus the assembly at the end was way too over the top. Her “friends” ditch her after one mistake, which honestly based on how they all acted after missing lunch I thought they all would have been over the moon for her not ice her out. There was so much to explore in terms of weight and intimacy and the struggles that go with it, and it was such a missed opportunity. I think all and all that’s how I felt about this book is one big missed opportunity. There’s really great moments and because the writing itself was really strong it kept me in it, but the last 1/4 of the book it went from semi-relatable to outlandish. Reading about the girls coming together I wish she wouldn’t have broken them apart especially is such a trivial manner. I think had there been more of a struggle for Rory to balance first love and essentially first real friendship that would have been interesting, because that’s what happens with first love. Tunnel vision and forgetting about losing sight of your friends. The whole last scene was cringe I mean what kind of YA ending was that. I want love, heat and struggle both internal and external, the components were there just not focused properly.