Plot. 16-year-old Clara, depressed about her life, wanders into the woods and falls into a lake, a portal to another world. Humans have always believed vampires to be myths – seems vampires have always believed the same of humans. Clara wakens in the castle of a vampire lord who protects her and has a spell cast upon her that makes her blood less tempting. Clara befriends many vampires and becomes close friends with several. Thrust into this bizarre world, Clara learns she has been chosen to save worlds, her own and the world of vampires. Of course, this is a young girl trapped in the home of a devilishly handsome vampire lord, ergo, there is romance, but it is sweet and unoffensive to the reader.
Liked. World-building is terrific – you are in a vampire world, and the author is imaginative in description. There are many characters; however, voicing is very well done – it’s easy to determine who is speaking and to whom. No sex, no objectionable language, perfect gift for anyone.
Not so hot. Bumped speed to 1.4 – it’s bit slow. The story is a box set of 10 novels, so very long, that’s not really criticism, but there is a tad of fill. Sometimes the narrator is a bit monotone – but not so much that you will not get used to it.
Written by Emma Glass, narrated by Rafe Beckley, just over 69 hours of listening in unabridged audiobook format, released in 2021 by Ashwood Publishing.
Fun listen.