I didn’t write many reviews because who has time? But I have to for this. For the love of anything, WHEN are we going to get reasonable, intelligent female leads in thrillers? I am so sick of every. single. one. being a complete and utter moron and wimp. Spoilers ahead… This isn’t the 1800s it even the 1980s! If someone is gaslighting you, get a hidden camera and film it! All of this could have been proven to her jerk of a husband by a couple of minutes showing how the grandmother spoke and behaved when they were alone. Second, if MY husband refused to listen to me, believed the mother who tortured and abused me over me and went behind my back with my children….. Well, I wouldn’t just be saying yes dear. The ridiculousness of him absolutely refusing even to look at the physical evidence she had (her mother’s journal with Paul’s notes) should’ve AT LEAST been considered. I dont care how crazy it sounds, if someone I live came to me and told me, I’d at least listen and investigate. But the lead barely tried. He’d just say no, and she’d be like ok. Same with her brother. Then, when you know everyone is watching you, you try to put crazy symbols on your daughter? I get the why, but that is NOT how to go about doing it. You know your daughter is filming everything, I would just assume someone is spying on me at all times and be super careful how I acted. Lastly,the older daughter needs some serious discipline. And the fact the lead never even considered her? 🤦 I can’t. Get better heroines.