man I loved this series but it seems like the last couple books keep getting more and more lost in the weeds. The book seems to have gone from a cool video game like world to pretty much listening to a game tester debug and code a game. There seems to be no stakes at this point. the protagonist is basically a god and every obstacle in his way feels forced because of how strong he is and the fact that his few limitations he can overcome by cheating the system because he is somehow also omnipotent and the luckiest man ever. the second unfortunate problem is that this is no longer a human story, one of the best parts of the first books was how reliable artorain is and how hard it is to progress. now however that is all gone not only is he no longer human but all the side characters that kept him grounded are also gone accept dawn. And finally there seems to be no character development at this point he has progressed to far he and the people around him are to flushed out they haven’t changed in the last few books because it seems like there is no where else to go. I love Dakota Krout he is a great author but I think this well may have run dry.