I want to kill my boss. It has become an absolute truth that a small portion of my time every day is now taken over with creating increasingly inventive ways to murder him slowly.
Thus begins one of the funniest audios I’ve ever listened to. And I listen to a lot, so that’s saying something. Dylan Mitchell’s problem is his impossible-to-please boss. Of course he does his best, but he’s also snarky, talks back, and generally refuses to be cowed by the man who has felled many people in the office. Other co-workers are terrified of Gabe’s wrath. Dylan treats it like a temper tantrum and moves on. They are actually a good team. Until a trip away reveals to Dylan a whole new side to Gabe.
Now, the book is written almost entirely in Dylan’s perspective, which works because, of the two, he’s the one with the true sense of humor. He’s also the one with family and friends to support him. Gabe is alone in this world. He has his friend Henry, to be sure, and his boyfriend Fletcher. Dylan has his own opinion of Fletcher and it’s quickly apparent why. Vapid is an understatement. Or, as Dylan puts it, “Little Lord Lubeship”. Gabe and Fletcher also have a fairly adventurous sex life and although Dylan is worldly, he’s not fond of sharing. So when he and Gabe finally do get together, that’s a hard limit for him.
There are reasons why Gabe is the way he is and they are certainly tragic. He’s done well for himself professionally, but he’s avoided real entanglements emotionally. Until Dylan. Seems two years of working in close quarters has had quite an impact. But it’s when Dylan brings Gabe into his inner circle that Gabe truly learns what family, friends, and love are. Dylan is a nurturer. He sees the wounded man that Gabe is and he wants to help. Wants to love. Gabe is terrified of being hurt (aren’t we all?), so he keeps himself apart, aloof. Henry is the only person whom he’s let in. Who knows everything.
The dark moment in this book is pretty dark, especially contrasting with all the happy and funny moments. Of course I knew somehow the men would get back together – this is a romance after all – but I did wonder how. Well, loving someone does count, finding the way home matters, and Charlie Hunnam helps.
Joel Leslie narrated the book and, as always, he did a fabulous job. He differentiates the many characters and, as always, handles the female characters with ease. His Rebecca was a treat. He also does well when he put on his officious voice and read emails such as this:
To Dylan Mitchell
From Gabe Foster
When I was a small boy, I liked to eat soil. My mother was worried but she needn’t have been concerned. Unbeknownst to both of us, I was actually just preparing myself to drink your coffee.
Each chapter starts with an email between the two men – going back and forth. A moment of levity and I might have giggle-snorted through a few of them. Or most of them. Or all of them. Ms. Morton’s mind has depths of creativity that I love in authors and between the banter and the snark, the book went by so quickly.
Which is why I was glad the second book was at hand. Onward to the next adventure.