So it’s set in a post apocalyptic world, where people live in stacked boxes (which sounds like stacked semi trailers to me), and poor people have to mine inside a game (data mining they call it) and nobody profits from what I can tell.

It makes zero sense to have people mining in game 8 hours a day in order to keep living in their box, none. On top of that nonsense, you have people needing to power their home (box) by riding a stationary bike of all things. I get this is the post apocalypse, but you have flying cars and medical drones, in what world is the human body more efficient at creating energy than any engine that could make a car fly or power robots?

The story inside the game is decent enough, I enjoyed it but I wouldn’t call it great. I will likely buy the next book but if it focuses on the “real world” then I’ll likely return it, because the “real world” is a nonsense world. -1 star from story

My other issue is the “romance” the MC get involved in. There is no real flirting or anything of that nature, it really left a lot to be desired. it felt incredibly 2D with it’s lack of any depth. It’s incredibly predictable and not noteworthy in any way. -1 star from story

The performance was excellent from Laurie, she is one of my favorite female narrators and is a credit to sound booth. Justin is fine narrator, he just isn’t one of my favorites, he is however talented and look forward to more books narrated by him. 5 star performance

Overall I’d give this a solid 4 out of 5, it’s good, but not great.