This is the second box of romatic comedies by Ms Sax I listened to (the first being the Five Wishes series) and it’s as entertaining as the first one.

Again, we have stories in which romance and comedy intermingle, with quite a lot of strange coincidences, bizarre obstacles and sudden twists coming in love’s way (such as a kindergarden graduation turning into a parents’ brawl or dog-sitting turning into a wild chase after a criminal) but they will all make you laugh, maybe even laugh out loud… Yes, the stories are unrealistic, yes, the heroines do tend to be over-the-top with teenage-like behaviours when it comes to their love interests, and yes, the love interests themselves are all the Prince Charming type… but it makes for a wonderfully entertaining whole, so I can kind of turn a blind eye to those imperfections…:)

All three stories are fun, but I think I like the second one – Inn and Out – best (it’s the one with the parents’ brawl:)). Beryl and Thor are a great example of the opposites attract rule, and the secondary characters will certainly make your day.

The only thing that may be considered a slight fault is the sex scenes – quite hot for romantic comedies (while it normally doesn’t bother me so much when on paper, it tends to crash a bit with the overall mood of the stories when listened to…). That’s why I’ve given the story 4 and not 5 stars…

The interpretation by Ms Hickman is very good; she does well both female and male parts, even though she doesn’t differentiate the voices too much. But she’s great at conveying emotions, which makes the listen great entertainment.

DISCLAIMER: I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.