Pepper Winters is back and she is better than ever. If you are a fan of DARK romance just fork over the credit now. You will be so glad you did.

Seriously ladies when are we going to stop going backpacking with our boyfriends? You should just know that the minute you land shiz is about to get real. Eleanor finds herself in the hands of some RUTHLESS men, being sold to the highest bidder, She is whisked off to an Island owned by Sully Sinclair. And ladies and gents if there was ever a special place in the cold cockles of your heart for Jethro Hawk you are going to lose your mind over sully.

On this ethereal island depravity is the name of the game and Sully is the dealer. But even Sully isn’t prepared for the likes of Eleanor. Their chemistry may set fire to your headset. She fights him at every turn. Their minds are telling them no but their bodies are having a different conversation. AND IT’S HOT!

I effing love an anti-hero and Pepper just delivers. I can’t wait for this series to continue.

The narration is awesome!
