The author tries so hard to make sure there is nothing special or even good about the protagonist that he really just ends up feeling like a side character to the other side characters. Its honestly become almost irritating to listen to, The narrator really saves this audio book, I mean don’t get me wrong here I am not trying to be overly harsh its just that after so long our MC still hasn’t developed much at all and all the interactions he has with his so called friends and sect mates just feels so forced. I understand not wanting to make the MC too OP or anything like that but literally the only reason he has been able to accomplish anything in the story is plot armor. It is always thanks to some lucky and fortunate random circumstance that he wins. Please let him at least be good he doesn’t need to be the best but constantly having him be the worst of his peers is boring and frustrating. It feels like we shouldn’t even be worried about our MC we should be reading the story from someone else’s view point who is actually trying or is at least somewhat talented.