I have to say that this was a step outside of the genres that I typically listen to or read. Not surprisingly, it brought me on a whole whole different journey through history that revolved around the arts and specifically music. I found the premise to be rather unique with the value of the age old art developed will, right along with the story-line and characters. Beginning in China, the plot covers a broad range of countries and continents as well as several centuries (beginning somewhere in the 13th) as the magic of the vase from the Song Dynasty touches the lives of the family to whom it belongs.

I found the narration to be somewhat lacking as is often the case when the author narrated their own work. Aside from autobiographical type of works, I think letting the professional readers handle the reading of the text works best. Don’t get me wrong, Ms. Kahn doesn’t do a bad job, I just left with the sense that it could have been more strongly read.

Overall I would recommend this listen for those looking for something a bit different and I think the publisher’s summary encapsulates the expectations of the work pretty well. That being said, had I not been furnished with a free copy of the book in exchange for my review I likely would have passed on the title . . . I am glad I listened and am better for the experience. A review copy of this audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in return for this unbiased review. My hope is that this review helps in your decision to obtain this book.