Oh, Sophie…. How can I even express my feelings about this book? First of all, I believe you saved the best until the last. I was so excited to finally discover who was the spy. When I read his name, I wanted to scream with excitement! I even messaged Sophie and said, “I knew it!” I loved how she interwove the story with characters from her other books. Sophie brings you into this world of make-believe, but you feel that these people are real. You want to root for them.

“The Spy” was filled with so much action, drama, and passion that it was actually hard to force myself to go to sleep at night so I would wake up for work in the morning. All the questions that you have about Kingmakers and the characters you love are answered in this book. My heart is saddened right now because the series is finished. I felt the same way when the Harry Potter series ended. I wanted the story to continue to read about the next generation at Kingmakers.

I really appreciated the epilogue that Sophie gave us. She gave us closure knowing that Dean/Cat, Leo/Anna, Miles/Zoe, and the Spy/Nix (and the friends) got their happy ending. I was happiest for Dean.