As others have mentioned before me this book is only bearable because of the fantastic job the narrator does.
Sean Duregger could read from a phone book and it would be great. As always, he does everything he can to create something of artistic value.
The book itself is a disappointment. I recently listened to Coomer’s Shining the Light which was amazing so I expected another treat with this book.
Sadly it is not.
It becomes pretty clear that the author had no concept and simply wrote what came to his mind.
The story is confusing, jumps randomly between characters and has no logic.
To give an example: the killer is first introduced as a hillbilly, then suddenly he’s a cult leader then suddenly a biblical scholar – and that after the police introduced him as a meth head living in a trailer.
But that’s not all. He also can teleport.
While the MC drives to visit his mom (a three hour drive) the killer first breaks into his house and abducts his girlfriend, then brings her in his trailer, then travels with light speed and arrives at the hero’s hometown hours before him. Where he murders a random gas station clerk for no reason. Then he visits the MC’s mom and murders her, too.
Besides that the author uses all available stereotypes when it comes to religious people.