The main character is an idiot. Not in a ditsy way. She goes against all sound logic just to be contrary. She’s terrible to perfect strangers with no provocation. It would take a twist of fate, magical insta-lust, and some of that “I can see deeply into your soul and tell exactly who you are just by staring” nonsense to make anyone want to date this girl or even just be her friend. and that’s exactly what happens.

She is the cliched “I have been hurt so I’m going to take it out on anyone who comes into contact with me” character. She is the early 20’s cliche of constantly insisting that she is an adult and behaves maturely and better than those around her. She also complains about the mean girls at school being rude but is a hypocrite because she treats complete strangers like dirt too.

Sadie Moss is a good writer and keeps the story well paced and interesting, but her characters are lazily shaped. This plot is also ridiculously similar to ACADEMY OF ASSASSINS which is also an RH. The mystery is the exact same. It is also similar to her own story BOUND BY MAGIC in that the main character finds out later in life than most that she has magic. Her writing skill does make for an entertaining read especially if you don’t roll your eyes to hard at the MC’s “prickly” behavior.