If you’re reading this one, you probably don’t need me to convince you of how amazing Baldree’s narration is, or how fantastic the characters, world, and humor of Wight’s series are. In fact… does anyone even need to review the later works in a series?

Well, just in case someone’s somehow on the fence about this, or has somehow landed on this page while contemplating trying out the series as a whole, I thought I’d leave a review to say:

Probably my favorite entry so far, in one of my top three favorite serieseseses of all time. We finally get to see Lindon really start kicking butt and taking names, and tracking his progress through Ghostwater is extremely satisfying.

Even better, we finally meet one of the funniest characters in the series — no, in *any* series! — and get the most hilarious bonus section I’ve ever read (well, heard, in this case). It’s very, very rare that I laugh out loud — even things I think are pretty funny usually only get a mental grin for a second; in this book, it happened more than once.

I usually find that anyone narrating a book I’ve read myself is inferior to the way I imagined it, even if they’re good: I just know my own tastes better, I suppose. This is the only case I can think of where the narrator actually made it BETTER — Baldree’s ability to pause at just the right time or add just the right tone to a line of dialog or choose exactly the most appropriate voice for a character is second to none.

It’s like Wight and Baldree are some kind of symbiotic machine, created solely to spur each other on to perfection. They shall undoubtedly reach Monarch and beyond in the Path of the Speaking Book, I have no doubt.

Get it! Get all of the books in the series! DON’T WASTE ANY MORE TIME!