firstly a large part of the narration is so overly energetic and emotional it reminds me of cartoon for very young children. even the most basic and simple sentences are said with such robust enthusiasm it makes your eyes roll in real life. secondly the main character being of mediocre intelligent happened to stumble into miraculous achievement with virtually every action giving him Godly powers and abilities. His magical potential is orders of magnitude above and beyond the most powerful beings in existence. Oh and by the way in real life he’s a adapt in parkour swords & martial arts because you know that’s totally normal and everyone does it. He could literally sit and get a global achievement of sloth we’re all of those who wish to do him harm would fall over dead he’s so ridiculously overpowered. Unlimited magic potential unlimited funding as money seems to literally fall out of his ass and he is also completely immune to prosecution invisible from all detection and towards the end he can even control time. I don’t understand how this book was so popular in Russia. It’s the epitome of effortless success. I’m only guessing that in book 2 he gets the powers of creation and destruction and absolute mind control.