You know, I’m. It going to get into the technology or theoretical accuracy of the science or whatever it is that Super Nerds sully ding science FICTION books on. All I will say is that I listened to all of these books, one after the other. Did t matter if it was 0100 in the morning or 1300 in the afternoon. I didn’t take another step, felt like I didn’t blink another eye until I purchased the next in this series. Have I enjoyed other science fiction books or series more than this? I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that there was never a minute I regretted or arm chair QB’d the author or narrator. It was absolutely and thoroughly an amazing auditory experience. I loved the characters, many were very well developed, the evil dude was totally evil (and whack) the good were mostly good except when they weren’t. ;-). I would recommend this series to anyone who appreciates a well written book that had perfect continuity from one book to the next. Highly recommended on all marks! Jeffrey Kafer is truly remarkable in his tradecraft. I’m now going yo see if this author has anything else I haven’t read!