Travis Bagwell’s Book 3 is as exciting as those that preceded it in no small part to the complete change in locations, environs and new cast of characters. The primary conflict between Jason and Alex remains but now they are both in build-up mode in preparation of another epic battle between them at some point in the future. Jason major quest is from his dark god to obtain items for further advancement and, of course, it involves encounters ancillary difficult entanglements before the quest can be complete. On the real world side, Jason is struggling with AI mind intrusions and situations thrust upon and out of his control while Alex condition continues to border on psychosis with his obsession to best Jason. The author does include sufficient sections where the 1st and 2nd tier characters intermingle in inter-personal exchanges which makes the characters more interesting and improves the realism of the story.

David Stifel performance continues to provide a level of character voice uniqueness that few narrators are able to accomplish.