I wasn’t sure that I’d keep reading about a third of the way into the first book. The characters seemed pretty two dimensional and the story moved slowly. About.half way through the first book the writing improved, I got into the story more, and the characters became more interesting.

I enjoyed the second through the fourth books. The writing, while nothing special, was ok and kept my interest. So many characters came into the story that it was sometimes hard to keep them all straight. The main characters were fleshed out to the point where I really cared for them

The last book was a dud. I like sex in a story like most people, but when the first quarter of a book has nothing but thinking about sex, talking about sex, actually having sex eventually but both hating and liking it, and then avoiding it my mind screamed “enough already! Get back to the story!”

At times the writing seemed very juvenile; at times just plain silly. Seemed like the author watched too much South Park. That kind of bathroom talk did nothing to enhance the story.

I also didn’t care for the attitude that the willingness to kill was the only valid personality trait of any value. The “good guys” killed as often as the “bad guys” – sometimes with little to no provocation. By the fifth book I was completely fed up with the killing.

Some judicious editing to cut 20% of the writing would have made for a tighter, better written manuscript. I have no desire to read anything else by this author.