Graystone Chronicles
The Good: Jeff Hayes and the Sound booth Theatre. They really make any audio production a terrific entertaining event.
Also good is the world building, the story line; both inside the game and out in the real world, character development, and the vast array of creatures and other humanoids that are introduced into the story.
The Bad: the lackluster pace and absence of anything resembling a thrilling tense filled conflict, Alexander and his clan simply destroy any enemy regardless of level discrepancy or number, it’s all very anticlimactic.
The Ugly; Relationships; they all act like virgins on prom night. I know this isn’t a Harem book but Alexander and the rest need to grow a pair. Also fuzzy bunnies
Overall I like this series, despite the lack of intensity; after all I’ve bought every book so far. Just listening to Jeff Hayes and the rest of Sound booth Theatre makes it a good listen
Review from The Greystone Chronicles: Book One: Io Online →