The Good: Interesting premise and entertaining story. A tale of a coin from both sides perspective. Inspires a little thought. There are 3 stories taking place; Sam, Zeke’s, and a hidden message in the metadata. I listened twice.

The Bad: The story needed another 3 hours to properly flesh out the story and to provide better context. The beginning has a nice slow story development, but the 2nd half comes across rushed and the ending seems inconstant with original story flow. This is basically The Matrix, but with God this time around instead of the ‘machines’. I’m assuming the fanboy 5 stars Millennial reviews are unfamiliar with surreal story lines. Everything with the detective was hard to swallow. Her last name should have been McGuffin. Though it was entertaining it is far from a earth shattering experience as other reviewers are claiming. To quote from The Life of Brian “He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”

Overall: My opinion doesn’t matter. Your opinion doesn’t matter. At the end of the day Amazon/Audible has stripped us of voicing our opinions by removing the ‘not helpful’ button; which was our only tool to fight against the plethora of fake reviews to falsely boost book ratings. Seriously… try to down vote this review (you can’t). There is no value to our reviews. Our review ranking is meaningless. So why even bother writing a review anymore?