First and foremost, holy crap was this book funny. Seriously, this might be one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Robinson wrote a perfectly timed book that included pretty much everything that we’re mad or happy about in later 2018 and early 2019.

The premise: Space Force (you know, the branch of the military that Trump made to fight aliens) is being disbanded. They’re a joke and were where all the misfits of the other military branches were sent as punishment. Right when this happens – aliens attack and force military bases to fight in a real battle royale and the last man or alien standing wins (wins what?). These aliens (I refuse to ruin the first scene where they see them. I had to pause the d**n audiobook I was laughing so hard) learned about us through video games. So, this is what life has become.

The book itself will not be for everyone. Robinson knew that when he wrote it. But I promise you, if you are unhappy with our orange leader or think that all things related to him are ridiculous I would be shocked if you didn’t like this book. Now if you happen to sport a red hat and think that by hating other cultures and people we’re making ourselves better… steer clear.

Now that the MAGA wearers have left the review, know that this seriously was a well-written book. Robinson goes meta at one point talking about himself (but kind of not at the same time). The lines leading up to it where he describes how this author just keeps going and never gives you a break between chapters and then ENDS THE CHAPTER was just absolute brilliance.

Space Force is all of the things you like about SNL skits, parody movies like Space Balls, and the perfect reminder that other people think things are as ridiculous as you do. Bravo Jeremy Robinson, Bravo.

The characters are well explained and thought out. The main two were Halle and Ethan and they were perfect. Ethan was the snarky one who always had something to say and Halle was the quieter one who got stuff done while Ethan was making his jokes. The other tertiary characters were so good. The bus driver might even top Ethan and Halle for my favorite character. She was absolutely amazing.

There were obvious and borderline offensive stereotypes written into Space Force, but I only say borderline because they were so funny I almost felt guilty laughing. Easily the funniest was the scene involving the Canadian Special Forces. I won’t ruin that either, sorry.

There is something about a snarky book and character that just mends itself perfectly to Jeffrey Kafer’s voice. He’s able to play into the snark and the sarcasm so well. This isn’t the first book, nor is it even the tenth book that I’ve read where gets the narrate a smarta** but know he’s the perfect man for the job. I believe that Emily Woo Zeller did Halle’s narration and absolutely crushes it. Machelle Williams didn’t do too much, but was the perfect finishing touch to this audiobook.

I could go on and on about this book and get deeper and deeper into all the reasons that I liked it, but know that it’s easily the funniest book I’ve read this year. I do hope we get another Space Force book! I requested a copy of this audiobook – it has not affected my views in any way.