The first three books are amazing with the third book having a few faults but at the end of the third book the series takes a nosedive.

The author abruptly changes pace at the end of the third book which carries into the fourth. There is no foreshadowing or the countless other tools authors have at their disposal to prepare an audience for the rapid changes, not even a “hey remember this thing that happened in the first book?”

Book 3 basically the main character is a punching bag, the school he goes to is run by people with no brains, and the ending is random and starts the chain of book 4 which is terrible.

Book 4 is where this series gets extremely sloppy. Is like the author is suddenly in a dead sprint to push the story that started at the end of the third book and it really screws it up, there’s no meaningful story, there’s no suspense., The timing of the book is way off due to the headlong rush to end it. I don’t really care that the book ends on a cliffhanger because that’s the least of book 4’s problems. There are a lot more reasons why this book is bad but these are just a few things that stuck out more than others.

The narrator is doing a great job though! Excellent as always.