This one was just jumping around all over the fricken place. Not a bad listen but the continuity was a bit here, there, over there, over there, oh heck lets be over there.

Audible’s rating is:

1 Star is “not for me”

2 Stars “it is okay”

3 Stars “pretty good”

4 Stars “it’s great”

5 Stars “I love it”

A one star book could be a very dry topic, story,crude or someone preaching down to the reader. I generally don’t have 1 star books. I will just return them and go my own way. My last 3 were from the same series, I had hit a very dry spot in my listening.

A 2 star story, would be something that was phoned in by a writer that typically has done much better work. I have a couple of reviews from authors that just seemed to phone it in, one most recently from an author that decided to mix current politics into his novel. If I wanted that, I would just watch the news.

A 3 star review is where I really start. It means I enjoyed the book. That I did not have a hard time following it (I have lost alot of my conversational hearing). That the story kept to a plot, the characters were not static, and the world built was plausable.

A 4 star review is something that I really enjoyed. It puts the author on my map to keep an eye out for. I go through 12-15 books a month. (audible is my primary source of entertainment. ) I will search for the author’s works regularly, and seek out their stories for future purchases.

A 5 star review, These are not as rare as one would think. These are the books where the characters grow, learn, act according to their nature. Where the world is not only plausible but believable. Where there are economic systems, businesses, rules of law that make sense. Where the story is woven is progressed and told with caring and dedication. These are books, series, authors and narrators that bring it all in a package.

So, when reading my reviews, if anyone does, that is how I judge the books.