Turbulent: A Post Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Days of Want Series, Book 1) written by T. L. Payne. The narration is provided by Kevin Pierce the voice of the apocalypse. This is a new series about a family that is separated on the day of a coordinated attack that cripples that nation. The main character Maddie is in the Chicago airport when the EMP and the cyber-attack destroy the nations power grid. Her Mother and Younger Brother are also both away from their home in St. Louis. They all were trained by their deceased father how to survive, escape, and evade if the SHTF. The story is enjoyable yet makes you want to yell at all the characters at times for their choices. A hallmark of a good story in this genre. I definitely recommend this series if this is something you enjoy.


The narration is provided by Kevin Pierce the voice of the apocalypse. Mr. Pierce keeps the listener engaged during the entire performance. His voice is just soothing perfection to the ears as he reads the words of apocalypse from the author. The production quality of this audiobook is also of the highest quality. I heard no problems during the entire performance. There were not any detectable flaws that I was able to hear during the entire performance such as loops, breaks, or buzzing. The production was crisp and clear. Shaky Rock Publishing delivered an excellent audiobook production. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.


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