The Story

OMG! Never have I screamed so vehemently at fictional characters. 13 Ways to Midnight is a total mind warp. Book 3 is gut wrenching! Rue Volley ripped out my heart, stabbed it with a hot poker, and then ground it to dust with the heel of her boot. I am 100% Team Asher so having him and Echo as faux cousins was cruel and unusual. And that ending! OMG THAT ENDING! Volley may have a mutiny on her hands with me as the ring leader.

I’m sure as a reader you are wondering how I can continue this series since I find it so heart wrenching. Simple. The feels. I feel everything Echo goes through. Rue Volley has created these flawed characters that you can’t help but fall in love with. I love everything about this series. The death. The heartbreak. The love. I feel it all. I highly recommend this series!

The Narrator

Sarah Puckett is simply amazing. She IS Echo. Puckett has encompassed this series and its vast menagerie of characters. I cannot imagine the story brought to life by anyone else.