So, overall I really like this series. I enjoy the character interactions and I really like the base building concept of this series. For me though, what really got to me is how when we got towards the end of the book it felt like suddenly a lvl 300 doctor evil jumps out and monologues him. I really like the build up throughout this book but the player controlled villains are honestly not well done if you ask me when it comes to their approaches.

There is one point in the book where there is suspicion of a traitor and in my mind it was horribly done. The game just kind of magics all of the things he should have been able to do to figure out who was doing it but it felt really poorly done.

This all said, I really enjoyed a lot of the content to this and I guess my complaint would be that my preference would have been that the challenges and twists in this book felt a little more like how he was failing was due to the fact that he was using low level mobs rather than it feeling like a high level incompetent entity was toying with him.

I really liked the first book in this series and I would probably have rated it as a solid 8.5/10 but this one I probably would say is about a 7/10 in comparison. Narration was top notch at least.