With his uncle’s guidance, Addison has grown into a doomsday prepper. He has guns, food and water. His schoolmates think he is a bit odd. But then it actually happened, a virus wiped out the majority of the human population. He is on his on now, but at times his memories get mixed up with reality. Stories of not only better times, but bad times too. Being on his own Addison can’t be blamed for this though. I have to admit the introduction was a little slow for me, but it was done this way to show his loneliness and how the world and the heartbreak began to wear him down.

He has to pump the back well for a while now to get water. He knows the town is cleaned out and soon his water source will be gone. It is a long trip but he decides to go see Uncle Izzy figuring he is better prepared, has water and food to last. He packs up everything in his bike and an attached trailer. He has a bunch of water containers, food, a bow, a pistol and a shotgun. He still has a decent amount of ammo too. (He has been stockpiling it). He thought something like this would happen just didn’t know it was going to be a virus. He tries to go a certain number of miles a day to make it to his uncldes.

But all is not well and good in the world. There are stripes which become zombie like infestations. You don’t want to get near them or shoot them, otherwise you might breathe in the toxin. As Addison is biking towards his uncle’s place, Addison, his bike and trailer all fall into a pit. He hurt his leg pretty bad too. Why did Addison try to go a bit further? Who put the trap there? What are their intentions? Addison will have to wait and see what happens next.