Another brilliant performance!

Wyatt and Natasha’s story is written with flawless perfection. Their world is delivered in vivid words that allows the imagination to not only envision their fears and feelings, but their inner most thoughts.  You’ll be thrust into a world of secrecy, current headlines, and deadly revenge. But it’s a journey you’ll never forget.  

Wyatt and Natasha have had multiple encounters throughout the years. Their bond of being exes to their exes seems to increase attention and attraction. Timing was never on their side. She was busy chasing her nemesis and he was busy saving the world. Neither forgetting how it felt to be wrapped in each other’s arms. When work makes them partners, personal feelings prevail.  But Wyatt knows he’s incapable of love.  Natasha is to busy to feel. 

Secrets force Wyatt to take a look at life and possibly at Natasha.  But can giving into their needs and wants be a risk worth taking or is it a mistake in the making.  Wyatt may be forced to make choices that are impossible and deadly. 

Our Echo Team delivers a story in today’s headlines. Bravo offers up services as well. Teammates and family keep our hearts and reading desires fed with this story.

This narration duo exceeded all my expectations. They allowed the change up of accents flawlessly. They were also able to convey multiple emotions allowing listener to understand and feel the stress, worry, defeat, anger, lust… every raw emotion. Listeners will become completely involved in this story!