Another excellent entry in the Cradle series.

Jai Daishou is making trouble for Eithan, which means trouble for Lindon. Jai being alive causes a serious problem as he becomes increasingly desperate for a way to hurt Eithan, personally.

Great world building in this novel.


Jai Daishou grabs a piece of treasure from “the labyrinth” and just having the door open was enough to stir a Dreadgod, the Bleeding Phoenix, which is related to the red (not) rope Yerrin has. He picks up the Archstone and pulls it out during the duel between Lindon and Jai Long, right after Jai Long severs Lindon’s right arm (winning the duel).

Eithan kills Jai Daishou (for keeps this time), then is summoned to the emperor because anytime someone breaches the labyrinth, bad things can happen. Which they do.

During the ensuing chaos, Lindon gets a new arm, made with the Ancestor’s Spear that was such a big deal in the last 2 novels. Yerrin defeats her parasite and now controls her Blood Shadow.
We meet a new friend, Akura Mercy, who is from the larger Empire.
And finally learn about Eithan’s marble, which shows a message to Lindon and Yerrin.

Time for the next book!