So I was just starting to get used to how dumb the MC is when he literally calls a guy who tries to kill him a “butt sniffer”. I staggered for a moment, but continued on. Later, I’d hear a spy who was neck deep in espionage refer to the main characters “poop heads” while speaking with an assassin. it was at this point I finally realized … this book was written with elementary school kids in mind.

Now there’s nothing wrong with that on the surface, but once I noticed it, everything else began to click. The MCs complete lack of any forethought or maturity, how all the characters shamelessly bully him, how he calls people he’s only known for a few days his “best friends” who he’s willing to trust with all his secrets.

While the world itself is intriguing and I do want to know the inner workings of the gods and their conflict, the authors decision to make this accessible to younger audiences gives it a kind of tonal dissonance that keeps throwing me off and taking me out of the mood to continue. I’m not sure I can finish this series, especially if it keeps making poop jokes.