I really enjoyed Ms. White’s The District Line series. Two guys from opposite sides of the track trying to make it work. Well, Fade to Blank is also two guys from very different backgrounds – only this time there’s an element of mystery. Of suspense. Of, dare I say it, romantic suspense.

Fletcher is just an average reporter writing for an online gossip rag in late 1999. This book made me somewhat nostalgic, and wracking my brain for what technologies actually existed back then – only belatedly realizing it doesn’t really matter. I can’t remember what I ate for dinner last night, let alone when text messages became a thing. I was always about ten steps behind anyway, but I did work for a computer company just before Y2K. That was a thing.

Anyway, Fletcher is stuck in a dead-end job that he’s not really good at and certainly doesn’t enjoy. But it pays the bills. Or helps, anyway. He’s reliant on his much-older boyfriend Heston who is a bit of a pompous, arrogant, self-absorbed jerk. But that’s a whole other thing.

Then there’s Jackson. Child star, idol to many teenage girls – and maybe a few young gay boys. He’s had success beyond his wildest imagination, and his family has taken full advantage. That is until he’s accused of murder. The book starts with him being released from prison – but not because the authorities believe he’s innocent. No, they just don’t have enough evidence to prove guilt.

Fletcher wrote a scathing review of one of Jackson’s live theatre performances and Jackson hasn’t forgiven – or forgotten. But he also needs someone to write his side of the story – and Fletcher is just the man to do it.

The odd couple, to be sure. Neither trusts the other. Neither likes the other. And yet…

Okay, I only want to whet your appetite because I know there is so much more to come. There were a few turns in this book that I didn’t expect, and I can’t wait to see where the series goes next. Really well done for the mystery and that hint of romance.

Finally, Piers Ryman. He’s just perfect for these London stories and I’m so glad he and Ms. White have teamed up again. On to part two…