The series is epic in that it builds an entire world and fills it with characters that have a full range of emotion, history and an abundance of personality.
The series is easily a five star series when compared to others in it’s genre. Based on content(violence, language, politics, etc…) it would appeal to a much broader audience than most epic fantasy.
The series tends to hold back one plotline or another for continuity and an enticement for the next in series. This could be considered the minor cliffhanger. The books also tend to be full of happenings, locations and minor plots that leave you with the impression of much longer titles.
This book, however great I personally think it, was lacking something. It seemed filled with action sequences and felt as if there was quite a bit of world building and character development left out. It was as if scenes were edited out.
Then came the full cliffhanger. Minor plots and major storyline were left more blatantly unresolved in this volume. I hope the Author is aware that this technique can hinder a series by increasing fan pressure and has the writer’s constitution to ignore both fan and critics alike.