Although I don’t choose true crime as a first choice genre, twists and turns, and central characters with depth do capture my attention. This book, probably because it’s a little older case, came as a total shock. I found every single facet of the book riveting. First and foremost, the writing is top notch. Rarely can accounting of events (lengthy events) be told with such finesse, clarity, and consistent pace. The story of this dogged detective especially left me with great appreciation and awe for the dedication many in this profession offer to their communities. This is an unforgettably admirable man. The crimes here are horrendous, perpetrated by a sick sick individual. Also of great interest is the wife of the perpetrator who is beyond understanding. Being a bit familiar with the setting of the story made this of higher interest to me. I doubt I’ll feel “at peace” when visiting the area in the future. And then there’s the ending…
Monster is the book I’ll put at the top of my true crime list – unforgettable, riveting, everything you could want in a book. You might think you’re reading a Stephen King novel. But this is shockingly real.