4.5 out of 5 stars

Sometimes you sit on a book for absolutely no good reason. As a reviewer you get caught up in new books every week – ask any of us, our TBR piles could bury us alive. Sometimes I’m glad a lot of my books are digital only because I would be suffocating under them by now. Echoes of Angels was one of those books for me. I had a big backlog when it was submitted and I wasn’t doing a ton of Sci-Fi at that point since I’d read a couple that burned me out.

But, Echoes really brings the punch. Morin and Larkin have wonderful world and character building skills and they built a world and characters that I cared about. I know that some of these epic space opera type books can drone on and on but Echoes really comes out swinging.

As with most books like this, I started off confused. There are people, races, worlds, and a time period that you have to figure out. After a while, we find out that it’s more than 3000 years since the fall of Earth. Once we figure that out, we realize we’re in the year 5000+ since they started the years over since then. So, with that in mind – everything is fair game. We could have figured a ton of stuff out in 3000 years.

There was some cool tech, gadgets, and ships in Echoes and I have a feeling that they are holding out on some of the truly cool stuff for the later books in the series.

Overall, it was a book that I slept on – but you shouldn’t make that mistake. Check out Echoes of Angels and jump into the series.

This was the first book that I’ve ever listened to that Leslie Howard voices and I thought she crushed it. I never once thought “who is that” or “what is going on?” Her narration lent itself perfectly to this series and helped me get even deeper into it. She voices the action scenes with intensity and the quieter scenes differently. Really helping move the book along.