So I am a big fan of post apocalyptic fiction and kevin pierce is my favorite narrator for the genre. John is damned fool. He has the right ideas at first then he decides to throw all common sense out the window. Even a dunce would know to stay out of the big cities. everyone tells him to stay out of st Louis and strongly encourages him not to go. His naive wife who has the right idea to stay at the barn is coerced to head to the city aka John’s idea. anyone who freely gives up there firearm ans refuses to stand up to evil dosent have any chance to survive a cataclysmic world. this group of people wouldn’t of made it a month without Ben’s farm with the exception of maybe George. Nobody has situational awareness. John is by far the lousiest excuse for a main character and man I have seen in any post apocalyptic book I have read. I am strongly discouraging anybody to by this lousy trilogy. the author has very little imagination.