So. This has been a journey for me. I believed Lee was the hero of the story for the first two books and then he was on a spiral in the third. In this book I realized. He isn’t a hero. He is an Anti-Hero. Once you realize you start to know what is going to happen and it doesn’t phase you anymore. This of Lee as a Miller who talks before he kills.
Once I realize this the whole series took a different turn for me and I enjoyed it much more. Lee does tons of morally questionable things and he does some pretty brutal things, but this world is brutal in itself. Lee has a lot of moral quandaries about what he does and his companions are all different angels and devils on his shoulders.
This book was amazing for me in a few ways. First it made me laugh out loud. This was mainly because of the sound booth production and the amazing work of both Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott.
Second was the romance. There has been a “harem” developing for all four books but Lee has been a good faithful man to Masha. Even so, this book has some great scenes that dive deeper into each of the female cast making them feel so much more real.
Third is Jade. Jade is not only a good character but also a way for the author to break the fourth wall a bit. Although it is through anime interpretation most of the time, it is hilarious and heartwarming to have so much of Jade in this book. Especially this kind of book!
Fourth is the System. The System has grown as an actual character with moods and feelings. I really hope (she) isn’t supposed to be a harem element, however I really want more interaction with (her). The System doesn’t have a name and we don’t really learn anything about (her) at all. (She) points this out in the book and I can’t help but identify with and want to get to know (her) more.
I wish there was more town building elements. It is mainly glossed over in this book.
The relationships and events back on Earth were spectacularly executed and were a golden piece of writing.
I enjoyed what Brigid’s little arc in this story and was surprised at the very end how it turned out. There is a battle that end rather abruptly which had me confused if it was actually over or not. I feel like it was slightly cut down for some reason. That is my only large qualm though.
Overall. This is an amazing piece of writing that I thoroughly enjoyed and sincerely hope there is more to this series.