This story is full of mysteries. The United States is crippled by some sort of cyber-attack, at least according to the book title. The internet, communications, and the power grid go down. On top of that, there are unexplained explosions; perhaps downed airliners? No one takes responsibility for the mysterious cyber-attack and soon that is forgotten in the story. Alex Reid is a Coast Guard rescue swimmer in the process of divorcing his wife Sophie. These two quibble and argue throughout the story. Their daughter is also a Coast Guard rescue swimmer following in Daddy’s footsteps. Alex is determined to find his daughter. Sophie and her newly acquired expert hacker son must accompany him on his quest. Then there’s Garcia the police officer dealing with the city chaos and random drug dealers. Garcia has his set of problems. One of these dealers is friends with Sophie’s foster son. If all this sounds confusing, it is. There are way too many perplexing issues going on for my enjoyment. If I didn’t already have the second volume, I doubt if I would purchase it. Maybe the next book will eliminate some of this confusion.
Review from As Our World Ends →