A small town has a prophecy that one of 3 people will become the chosen one that will save all the people. For those who were not chosen, they highest position they could get would prophecy approved companion. Qube worked hard to become the chosen one’s best friend. He had led them on adventures close to home that improved his combat abilities and her magic. The other possible chosen ones are a magic user and a rogue. The other magic user could only produce a weak fireball and had no healing abilities. The rogue was in a town that had no crime and the town folks worked together to ‘let’ their items be stolen on a schedule. They could always go and take them back when/if needed. The more she thought about things, the odder they were. Some of the same things happened at the same time every night.

The prophecy was odd in that it had placeholders like [fighter, mage, rouge], only one would awaken to a real champion. Every morning she went to the hut that held the prophecy to see if the placeholders were revealed to the actual champion. Qube figured that even if she and her hero weren’t the champion, they would probably still accompany them to help keep them safe. This morning there is no change, still placeholders, as she was about to walk away golden light envelopes the book then the hut and shoot across to her champion’s home. Her champion was enveloped with the gold light. He is the chosen hero of the prophecy. Her champion was awakened but was acting quite odd. He is looking her up and down, doing stretches in the corner and asking odd questions. What did the awakening do to him? On the way to the town elder, he does forward rolls all the way. Why is he doing this?

We later learn that the odd behavior of the champion is because he is a player and Qube and the others are AIs (Artificial Intelligence) and NPC (non-player characters). And all the odd things that the champion is doing to ‘break’ things is impacting the AIs and making them act differently and grow.