The Good: Fast-paced story. Reads like an anime. In my top 2 favorite LitRPG audiobook series ever. If the broken bridge was the Broken Bridge, then my head would spontaneously combust. This series is ripe for an animated series or Film franchise. However altering anything would be a debacle. Great narrator, engrossing story, and an after credits scene that deepens plot with something we didn’t know to ask for but are very appreciative to have received. The subtext and undertones of the narrative add a lot to the AO universe.

The Bad: Lots of F-bombs. Too many to play around little ears at all. Author warns us in the forward about this. Also, not a Jason-focused book. I really expected a Jason book this time around. Oscar’s nature may make you rethink his role. Oscar’s role makes deep readers really rethink the nature of the Old Man and his walking stick. Since the Old Man is t in this book, your brain may be stuck on “wait, if that, then what about…?” and you have to wait for the next book.

The Beautiful: This book is dedicated to someone deeply person to the author. Once you hear the forward, the rest of the book is painfully and stunningly beautiful. The absence of Jason makes perfect sense and it had to be that way. The struggles in the tale are completely aligned with the dedication. And the theme speaks to the depth of the impact on Travis Bagwell. I can’t say any more without diminishing this novel.

If you have followed the series, this one is an absolute must have. if you have not, start here. Then go back to Book 1 and binge the rest. This is. great jump on point, but the experience of this book is made richer if you go back to book one right after it. I may relisten to the series myself now.