That ending was the best part! Ready for the next one!

It started off slow and took awhile to build. But the world building and character development were done very well. It really kept me in the story and needing to know more. It was hard to tell who the bad guy is and there is so much mystery in this book.

Callie was kind of annoying at first but how she feels and what she does all makes sense for a teenager that wants to go back home to the beach. But I really enjoyed her more after her attitude changed and depending on how she acts in the beginning of the next book. I think I will really like her. I am excited to see how changes and hoping she embraces this and kicks some ass as well as getting some in the next book.

I listened to the Audiobook of this and really enjoyed the narrator. I think she did a really good job capturing Callie and all of the other characters. I enjoyed her voice for Samuel. I can’t even imagine how hard it is to do a male voice and have it sound normal. lol