I came upon this audio book during a desperate search for answers due to getting tragic news that my dearest brother had been taken into the hospital with COVID-19 and was continuing to deteriorate.

I listened intently to this entire audiobook in one day and I can’t express how helpful it was to me… It brought to me a sense of peace and calmness that I didn’t believe was possible during this painful and difficult time.

It also taught me that I don’t need to look outside myself for the answers and that my guides are here patiently waiting for me to call upon them so they can offer comfort and support as I walk my life path.

This is a wonderful gift to the world and I am so thankful to the author for having the courage to bring her priceless insight and experience to us all.

I have no idea what’s going to happen as far as an outcome with my brother because so far the news has been dire… But what I do know is that I feel peace that is beyond my understanding right now as a result of listening to this audio book and wish to continue on this spiritual path of unconditional love and enlightenment without fear or judgement.

Thank you so much for this gift!!!!