Travis is great but the MC…eh not so much. MC is an idiot and that is painfully annoying. I love a good character building so why would you intentionally make foolishness a debuff just so you can write off dumb decisions as okay. That’s just bad character development period. Also no good game did that EVER. I liked how it started and the way the world is suppose work but couldn’t stand the MC standing by as TWICE people came for his life and TWICE he just stood there. A real gamer will never stand by and watch as their character gets attacked KNOWING they will lose their STATS and ITEMS. THAT is what annoyed me the most. MC already knows stat lost exists and will occur upon death but willingly chooses to stand by AFTER being told to run inside to safety (like bro you couldn’t run and then watch from inside, you already knew that damn building would have protected you) and this is BEFORE the foolishness debuff occurs. I’m on chapter 10 and the same thing almost happens again. Thus, here I am writing a review.