Turner creates characters with depth and admirable character qualities which engage readers in caring what happens to them. Hard Road is another of Turner’s well-written action thrillers with a strong contemporary plot which keeps reader/listener interest and engagement throughout. Like sooo many current secular thriller writers, however, Turner joins those who feel it necessary to have characters fling curses into the narrative on every page. Usually I find that practice to be a substitute for effective written expression among mediocre writers; but Turner’s writing is otherwise so very good that he does not need to fall back on that current secular sine quality non, and I DO wish he would consider knocking it off ;). I’m no evangelical Christian, and having had two, count em, military husbands, turn-the-air-blue swearing bothers me not at all; but I AM a quiet non-evangelical Christian, and it hurts to see (or hear) JC! And GD! pouring out of character’s mouths on every page. Just sayin.
Review from Hard Road →