As someone who doesn’t follow political norms, I often have to “look the other way” a little bit from to time when reading “prepper” style books. I love apocalyptic fiction, so it’s a burden I’m willing to bear from to time. This book however, mentions abortion, food stamps, and children “dreaming” of growing up to be welfare moochers, just like their parents. And after a grand total of 10 minutes, I couldn’t take anymore. So take my advice and don’t even try with this one unless you want to be insulted.

This “author” seems to have forgotten that not all apocalyptic fiction fans are alt right Christian Nationalists. He’s completely offended a huge percentage of Americans before finishing two chapters. This ass hat literally insinuated that a huge percentage of teachers would just stop showing up for work, rather choosing to instead apply for unemployment and “live off of government welfare, just like students they have seen” like, who in the hell insults educators like this?

I gave up and got a refund, after 10 minutes of disgust I decided I couldn’t take anymore. I’d advise anyone who isn’t a complete narcissist like the author to save their credit, and their 10 minutes.