I’m so happy this series is finally being made in audio. Jamie Treselyan has this tendency to do this giggle thing that I dont love, but I do love Tenthil’s voice and how it really does sound like his vocal cords are shredded.

The first half of the book can be a bit frustrating because Tenthil isn’t a great communicator (for legit reasons which are well explored) and Abella isn’t great at giving him time to communicate and instead just being upset. As a result the switch from “you kidnapped me” to “we are soulmates” is a bit jarring, but I honestly like this book enough to overlook it. I really like the secret society of assassins plot, there’s a fun heist in there, and of course we get introduced to Arcanthus/ Alkorin who is fabulous. This is a fun read and just the beginning of a fun series.