Teenage drama and angst meets 80s romance movies…and it’s an interesting mix of highs and lows for me. There were points where I was utterly charmed and quite enjoyed the book, but then there were points that had me cringing and mouthing “what?” as the scene unfolded. I didn’t really like Sam Dorsey as a person, but that’s because I found him self-centered and selfish…but he was consistent and he did act like a pretty typical teenager with his selfish and self-centered behavior. There was a lot of drama and agonizing over love interests, but that fit with the whole homage to 80s romance movies. Overall, this wasn’t a bad bundle of stories, and I think a younger reader than myself might find them more interesting.
Joel Leslie did an AMAZING job with the narration. He put so much emotion and energy into his performances and I absolutely loved listening to him.