OK, I finished the book after almost giving up on it at least a half dozen times. But, it was tough going and quite tedious.

The positives: It offers up some interesting theories and provides some new, to me, information.

The negatives: In my opinion, it seems like a number of related short stories/papers were thrown together to create this book; it struck me as very redundant. Also, my opinion is the author speculates far too much and then draws very broad conclusions ( I quickly lost track of the number of times he said “possibly, could have been, perhaps, might have, etc, etc).

After reading many books on the subject, I do believe Oswald did not act alone and the facts surrounding the assassination have yet to be disclosed. It seems incredible that after 56 years there are still so many unanswered questions. To this authors credit, he tries to provide answers. However, to me they were not convincing.