Betrayal in Blue is the other side of the harrowing story of police corruption in NYPD’s 75th precinct during the late 1980’s from the perspective of Ken Eurell. The strength of this book I found to be the history of police corruption that dates back to the formation of the NYPD and the first half of the book sets it up nicely, it may be a quick jaunt through history while also filling in the backstory of the 77th percinct issues of corruption, but I loved it. The second half of the book we get into the nitty gritty of the crimes committed by our group of rouge police officers which I found to be astonishing and surprising. The book finishes quickly and ties up loose ends quite nicely until it gets to the epilogue, this is where I felt the book went off the deep end a bit pushing the authors desire to make all drugs legal so cops would be less imcentivized to participate in corruption of this nature.

I will say that the sound quality was excellent and the narrator I felt was a perfect fit to tell this story, I felt like I was hearing this story told by a retired P.I. which I found very appropriate.

All in all I’d say this was a good and enjoyable read minus a few parts here and there where the writer seems to have inserted his beliefs into the book but it’s few and far between.