Another epic novel brought to us by The Tal Bauer.

Mr. Bauer is known for weaving his story in such a way that he brings you into the scene, making you feel as if you were there. You can hear the sounds of DC metropolis, the music blaring from the speakers on Pride day, the protests and rally. You can envision the sights and colors. Your mouth even waters as you wait to be served an imaginary taco. That is just a part of how Tal Bauer writes his stories. It’s a total experience.

Hush did not disappoint. It has a different feel than the Executive Office series. The earlier chapters of the book gives us background and circumstance of each character.

Tom, the baby judge, has been struggling with his inner demons due to an awful bigot of a mentor. It is difficult to read Tom’s struggle. His emotional trauma from the past, the paralyzing fear, it had him getting in his own way. He has already accepted he’ll be going thru life alone.

That is until Mike.

Inspector Mike, a deputy Marshall, in charge of federal judges’ safety, including Tom. Mike’s character is easy to love. He has his dream “Prince Charming” but because he thought of himself as undeserving, he settled. A lot. As you read Mike’s journey to establishing a healthy amount of self respect, taking risks and facing his fears, you can’t help but root for the guy.

And there’s Etta Mae. Princess Bassett hound, seeker of attention & queen of Tom’s home & heart. She’s my favorite character.

Around halfway is when the story really picks up the pace. It’s instensity, complexities and challenges are up to par with Tal’s writing style.

19 hours seems long at first glance, but as the book ends, you can’t help but ask for more time with the characters Tal has given us.

Joel Leslie is an execellent narrator, he’s one of those narrators I look forward to listening. However, for this story, I felt like Michael Pauley would have been a better fit. Not that Joel did an awful job. Michael Pauley does an excellent narration for law enforcement/mystery/action books. He’d have been epic at this one too.