Wow. 😳🥺 There are horrors learned, vengeance taken, secrets revealed, lies covered, love renewed, friendships strengthened, and alliances made in this final chapter on Quinton Rossi and Aspen Mather’s trilogy. (Yes, you must read them in order.)

The details of what happened to Aspen are gruesome and not for the faint of heart. Coming back from all of that loss and battering isn’t easy, but I like how unexpected allies rally around her to help her move forward. I even like Quinton’s unconventional gift. I also like how she owns up to her own transgression with her head held high.

Some of the secrets I anticipated, but some were shocking. By the end, I was happy that they found an HEA, but I also wanted to see more of that. After everything they went through, seeing more goodness would’ve been even better. 💙💖🌸

I received an author’s copy of the audio book. The narrators are Zara Eden and Connor Brown. Both were great, but as I got to this final book, I realized how much duet narration would’ve vastly improved it.

Story: 4.5 stars
Narration: 4 stars
Listening Speed: 1.5x